Friday, March 5, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa

My mom called me this afternoon to say the lady who comes daily at 8am to take care of Grandma & Grandpa rang the doorbell and no one answered. She called Dad. He went over to see Grandpa lying on the floor and called the paramedics.

Grandpa may have had a mild heart attack, and his face looked like he had been beaten up. He's on oxygen since he's having trouble breathing and might have had a touch of flu in the past couple of days. They even said he had a small amount of pneumonia. But apparently he's lucid and joking just like always.

Dad and Aunt Patty had decided to take Grandma to the hospital as well just to keep her in the hospital to make things easier. She's been out of it for at least half a decade and they've had to take turns every night changing her and helping her use "the potty" before tucking her in. Once she woke up screaming at Grandpa, only to say she couldn't find her hands.
"They're right here, under the blankets," he had told her.
"Oh," she replied.

To get her into the ambulance with Grandpa, they told the paramedics they thought she might have had a mild stroke. They found out at the hospital that she did have a mild stroke. So there we go.

Mom said the doctors were asking Grandma questions like you'd see in the movies.
"What day is it?" they asked.
"I don't know."
"What year is it?" they asked.
"This year!" she replied, which Mom thought was actually pretty cute. Clever Grandma.
The doctor pointed at Aunt Patty. "Who is she?"

Later on, however, when Mom and Aunt Patty were leaving to go from Grandma's room to Grandpa's room, Grandma said, "Patty Lou, come here!" So maybe she's kinda back to a version of normalcy.

Oh, may I also mention that Grandpa is 94 and Grandma is 91. And they've been together for over 70 years. My prayers are with them right now - I hope yours might be today, too.

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